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We're glad to welcome you in our company's blog! Here we place the most fresh and interesting news, which inform about the development progress of slot machine graphics for the online casino and offline terminals, AWP terminals and VLT terminals. You can see the process of creating the slot machines from the sketches to 2D and 3D games, take a look at the stages of modeling, as well as enjoy the final version of the thematic objects and elements of our slot machine graphic. All this and much more we will present in the form of illustrations, and you will have the opportunity to express your opinion in the comments. Follow us!


Tiger and Dragon

Tiger and Dragon The two powerful symbols “Tiger” and “Dragon” are joined into a single supernatural being. As you know, in Chinese culture, the image of the tiger acts as a thunderstorm of demons, a symbol of military courage. In everyday life, represents the protection of marriage, passion and fertility. […]

Horror themed Slot games

Online slots are like grains of sand; each one is different. One of the most popular slot themes available currently is horror themed slots. These range from the fairly frightening to tongue-in-cheek frightening. But fear not as there are no horror-themed slots yet in existence that are frightening enough to stop […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Sweet Nasty”

  Halloween Themed online slot game On the creepiest night of the year, when ghosts gain full strength and enter the world of the living, a trio of young daredevils decided to create their own candy monster in order to summon the spirit of the old witch and receive an extraordinary […]

Fire & Ice Wolf

Fire & Ice Wolf   Unleash the Wild in “Fire & Ice Wolf” Slot Game Step into the electrifying realm of “Fire & Ice Wolf,” where two elemental forces clash in an epic battle of dominance. This captivating slot game combines vivid imagery, immersive gameplay, and dynamic features to keep […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Gold Moonlight”

  Halloween Themed online slot game This night we will spend in the cemetery and open a portal to a parallel reality. A world between fiction and sleep, where every being is neither alive nor dead. It is very cold and dark in the vacant lot. The moon has risen above […]

Dragon Festival

Dragon Festival Dragon Festival or Duan-u, also called «double five», falls on the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar – the Chinese traditional holiday of the calendar cycle, falls at the beginning of summer. Its name is usually translated as a day of dragonboats, according to […]

Features of online slot machines

In most cases, playing classic slot machines and video slots is not difficult even for novice casino customers, not to mention experienced users. But sometimes the creators of online games of this genre hit the extreme with creativity (or, perhaps, just cunning), which can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. And […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Samurai Win”

  Samurai Themed online slot game Samurai or Busi, in feudal Japan secular men, ranging from large princes to petty nobles, in a narrow and most common meaning – the military feudal estate of small nobles. The word itself samurai resembles from an ancient uncertain form – to serve your master. […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Lucky Agents”

  Spy Themed online slot game Our clever experienced agents of world level, carry out a new super complex special operation «Lucky slot». Their job is to find the secret office of the gang syndicate and find the secret room that houses the safe with the most important documents. A young, […]

The cheating in the gambling industry

Fraud is a part of modern business and online gambling – was no exception. CASEXE company shared important information with clients on how not to become a victim of scammers and to resist frodu on their resources. What is so dangerous fraud in IT technology? First of all, the fact […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Leprechaun’s Gold”

  Leprechaun’s Themed online slot game A beautiful sunny day, a light nap comes slowly and we plunge into the world between sleep and reality. A light state of dreaming paints a magical country. Around a lot of greenery, fields of unearthly beauty, abundance of flowers and butterflies everywhere. And you […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Lucky Vegas”

Las Vegas Themed online slot game Las Vegas or «fertile valleys» is located in the western United States in the state of Nevada, is one of the world’s largest centers of entertainment and gambling. Popular places to visit – casinos, hotels, daily concerts and shows. Vegas has more than eighty casinos […]

The danger of excessive optimism for the player in the Online Casino

Agree, every casino visitor hopes to win. Yes, there is a small percentage of players for whom the process is most important, but even they are happy if they stay “in the black”. It is safe to say that the probability of victory lies at the heart of all gambling […]

Slot machine for SALE – “King of Kings”

King Kong Themed online slot game The «King of Kings» slot machine goes on a far and dangerous journey, where the wild and unknown animals of the world of impregnable wilderness dwell. In the deepest part of the island, amidst the dense jungle, lives the great king and king of this place, […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Era of Gods”

Egyptian Themed online slot game The age of the gods is stunning and supernatural, filled with the abundance of heroes and the exalting divine dynasty of heavenly kings, their servants of demigods, monsters and supermen. The deity cult originated from prehistoric antiquity in the form of toteism and the existence of […]

The future of the gambling market in Asia

Asia has long been a subject of interest for international operators of online casinos and sports – a region full of developed economies, where 60% of the world’s population live. Add to that the lightning speed of digital development, and you have a continent of possibilities. However, strict rules and […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Cool North”

North Themed online slot game The North Pole is one of the coldest places on the planet. Travel to the north is quite a difficult and dangerous occupation even for the most avid travelers and fans of extreme sports. How much time and effort must be spent to conquer this eternal […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Dog Poker”

  Poker Themed online slot game To understand the mindset and power of dog knowledge in this game, you need to go back in time to the depths of the past and learn what poker is all about. So, poker is a card game that aims to collect a winning combination […]

How to perfect your technique of playing on the online slots?

It would seem, what can be difficult in playing on slots? This is not blackjack, in which there are so many strategies and nuances and winnings, often depends on the behavior of the player himself. A slot machine? Push the button, watch the rotations and get the winning combinations. And […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Astronomy”

  Astronomy Themed online slot game Astronomy is the science of the universe studying the location, motion, origin and development of celestial bodies and systems. Astronomy is the oldest and oldest science, originated from the practical needs of mankind. Since humans exist on Earth, they have always been interested in what […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Shields of Fortune”

  Chinese Themed online slot game In Chinese philosophy there are five basic elements – water, wood, fire, earth and metal. They form a circle of creation in this sequence: Water symbolizes the origin of life itself, it nourishes the tree, gives it the strength and freedom to grow. Wood by […]

How to optimize online casinos with artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence very quickly becomes part of the gambling world. Thanks to this, the industry acquires many advantages. What they are and whether artificial intelligence will be able to run online casinos abroad in the future, is described in this article. Artificial intelligence introduction Today, elements of artificial intelligence (AI) […]

Slot machine for SALE – “The Cave of the Fallen”

  Horror Themed online slot game   The cave of the demon of the night, what hellish battle is going to be waged here, what is good or evil, what forces will be stronger, whose magic will drive the enemy into flight? The union of the three is always the law. […]

Slot machine for SALE – “Fire Fruits”

Classic themed online slot game This slot is lit with fire and juicy fruit ripeness. All the fruits are boiling and ready to reward the winner with sweet bonuses and hot combinations. The fiery lines are languishing and are absolutely ripe to the limit. The indefatigable seven of stats and […]