How to cheat online slot game: “Gift Strategy”

How to cheat online slot game: “Gift Strategy”


Most modern slot machines have a rather complicated random number generator, in short – RNG. The algorithms of his work are incredibly complex and take into account not only the generation of numbers to win / lose, but also imply a psychological impact on the player. These techniques are quite effective. Constant tension and waiting for a result, makes the player make stupid mistakes, thereby bringing his loss closer. It happens that as soon as a player lowers the bet, “suddenly” the machine starts to give out winning combinations, however, one has only to increase the bet, as this “luck” immediately stops and the player loses even more. The frequency of repetition of such actions can be unsettled by anyone. All these “accidents” are the “cunning” plan of the random number generator.


How to cheat online slot machine?

At first glance, everything looks pretty sad. RNG is incredibly complicated and “cunning”, it is almost impossible to deceive it or understand the principle of operation. The slot machine offers its own terms of the game from a “position of power”. The player gets the “position of weakness.”

But as it is not paradoxical in weakness, there is also power. Knowing that RNG is a “virtuoso player by psychological methods” we get one of the secrets of the slot machine, which is concluded in the following: RNG will add more excitement, “epic” wins and incredible defeats to the game. This secret of the slot machine and uses the strategy of “donation”.

The essence of this technology of playing online slot machines lies in the “gifts” of a certain amount of credits to the machine. For this, the first bet must be the maximum, the number of lines 3 or more. If after the first drum turnaround you win then take the money. This is the most favorable option when the slot machine makes the “gift” first.

But this will happen infrequently. Most likely the machine will “swallow” your bet. After that, it is necessary to reduce the rate by 2 times. If again there is no result – reduce another 2 times, and then another and another. “Seeing” that a player “leaves” from large RNG bets, as a rule, runs the “hold” algorithm. And you can only keep a player by your favor, i.e. a gift that your electronic opponent will immediately give you. Sometimes as an advance the machine gives a good amount. Naturally, “counting on” the player on the wave of excitement or greed will lose his head and begin to “give” gifts to him similar to the first bet.


So, how to cheat the slot machine?


Modestly take a profit and quit ).

After all, all these psychological techniques are designed for the average man in the street, while we, knowing the secret of the slot machine, can take advantage of this and deceive the slot machine.

However, if after the 4-5 coup of the “gift” there is still no, a dangerous but not “deadly” situation develops. You need to go to the minimum bet and play as if nothing had happened. In most cases, the slot machine will give out a bonus, or thanks to small periodic winnings, you will cover / almost cover the loss.

Sample table rates:

1 – 100

2 – 50

3 – 25

4 – 10

5 – 5

6 … – minimum

As you can see, it is possible to deceive the slot machine, because any program is created by a person. Therefore, such a device will work on the basis of human observations and conclusions, and it is quite possible to deceive a person.