Intuition in gambling – Should players trust it?

Intuition in gambling – Should players trust it?


Play on intuition, subconscious sense, “smell” – this is used by many users, considering that intuition is the most effective tool. But is this really so? Should we build strategies on the sixth feeling and trust it completely? No scientist can explain exactly what intuition is and how it works. There are many theories, assumptions. But it is known to guide us in some cases to the right actions and even help avoid failure. In psychology, intuition is called the way of knowing something without any evidence or understanding.



Gambling intuition

In gambling there is a concept like RPD. This is a theoretical model that explains why the player in extreme conditions makes quick decisions. For example, in poker, when the outcome of a match depends on the decision, a person begins to make decisions based on previous experience. His brain is looking for similar situations in the past and in a split second offers a solution.

In such a process, it is not so much intuition that participates as logic, analysis. Also often the instinct works. If the player has already had experience on certain theme, then he approximately knows how to behave. For example, when a user is constantly playing specific slots, his subconscious already understands the principle of playing them and when it is worth stopping.



Should players use intuition in games?

Most often, the «sixth sense» is used by poker players. They believe that it is a great tool that allows to make the right decisions. And the users are right, because most of the hands by their combinations repeat, so you can easily guess the outcome of the game. But here on online slots the influence of intuition is minimal. Each slot has its own RTP, which should be studied by users before choosing a game. Simply put, the developers already when creating the slot have placed a certain percentage in it that will return. And the intuition of the player will not affect this. The only thing it can tell you is when to stop playing so as not to be disappointed.



Thus, several important points can be highlighted:

  • On the gaming machines intuition works most often, because these machines work on a set scheme, without user participation and number of decisions made. Here you can learn the characteristics of the slot, its dispersion, return rate and other features. Then we can try to develop a strategy.
  • Intuition is often based on previous experience. That’s why the player feels like his «sixth sense» has helped him to wait for results in an online slot or, for example, in poker. Actually, the brain sees a similar situation and makes the right decision.
  • Our intuition works on the subconscious. Nobody knows exactly how a smell works and whether it always gives the right advice. Therefore, it can be considered as an additional source of information but should include logic.